CCD & CMOS Cameras
A range of dedicated high quality astronomy cameras with USB for use on virtually any Telescope from top manufuacturers. Please see our astrophotography how to guide for more information on using cameras with telescopes.
Dwarflab smart telescopes like the Dwarf II are smart compact telescopes with a deep sky camera built in for imaging the night sky and much more controlled by your smartphone
Bresser cameras are affordable quality USB cameras that will work on most telescopes, excelent entry level cameras that will provide great images
Celestron cameras are USB with colour and mono options for imaging with a telescope, the Skyris range are included with a wide range of sensors
Altair cameras boast many unique features that set them apart from competing brands, a dedicated user group with unrivalled support backed by constantly evolving software. Superior construction with CNC machined build and cooled models
ZWO Astronomy Cameras are high quality versatile and suitable for use on a wide range of telescopes
The Explore Scientific cameras use the best available sensors from Sony and Panasonic to provide stunning astro images with a telescope, high quality cameras for seious imaging